1. Learning new things keeps your brain healthy.
Your brain needs regular exercise, just like your muscles. Without stimulation, neural pathways start to atrophy. According to Harvard researchers, you must challenge your brain to keep it strong.
Want a healthy brain? Explore some of these topics:
Dive Theory Online will take you on a deep dive into scuba physics, physiology, equipment and the environment.
The Digital Underwater Photographer online course explains the fundamentals of both still photography and videography. Learn about light, composition and exposure and bypass many beginner mistakes.
During the PADI Enriched Air Diver online course, you´ll learn about the benefits of breathing gas with a higher oxygen content – and why some people used to think it was a “voodoo gas.”
2. Get one step closer to your next diving adventure.
By completing your “bookwork” online you´ll be ready to get straight into the water when quarantine restrictions are lifted.PADI eLearning is the ideal way to enjoy more of your diving holiday. Divers who don´t do eLearning before their trip often regret it when they find themselves wasting precious moments of their holiday time studying.
3. Support your favorite dive shop
Many dive shops are struggling to survive right now. Every eLearning purchase sends much-needed cash to your favorite dive shop.
Show your support today, and take as long as you´d like to complete your Advanced Open Water, Enriched Air or Instructor Development (IDC) course online. Access to the online sections of Digital Underwater Photography, Rescue Diver, Dive Theory, Divemaster and ReActivate™ expire 12-months from your first sign-on date, but you´ll get reminders at 60 and 90 days out and can take as much time as you need to finish the course with a PADI Instructor.
4. PADI eLearning gift passes
Give the gift of scuba to a friend, co-worker, recent grad, or your future self. PADI eLearning gift passes never expire and can be sent electronically or printed out. You can also choose a dive center to benefit from your purchase.
5. Improve your scuba skills on your schedule
Whether you have an abundance of free time or your life is crazier than before, eLearning gives you the flexibility to learn and grow as a diver whenever your schedule allows.
Who needs the added stress of squeezing one more thing into their week? Diving is all about having fun. With PADI eLearning:
Your course is available on a laptop, tablet or mobile device (Android or iOS)
You can work through your course on the bus, on the sofa, or even in the loo (no one will know)
6. Classroom learning isn´t for everyone – and that´s okay
If you dread being called upon, dislike taking tests in a classroom, or just have an “off” day sometimes, PADI eLearning gives you a great alternative.
PADI´s online scuba courses are dynamic and interactive.
Multimedia material is designed to suit all learning styles
Use periodic quizzes to gauge your progress and easily review topics you may not have grasped the first time
Quickly move through sections you easily comprehendDon´t get held back because someone didn´t do their homework
Connect with a dive center anytime you have a question
7. Pay for your training a little bit at a time
Not everyone has the cash to pay for a scuba course all at once. With eLearning you can pay for the first part of your course now, and the in-water training later.
The most popular PADI courses are available online, and PADI eLearning is accepted by more than 137,000 dive professionals, 6,600 dive centers and resorts worldwide.
PADI Open Water Diver course®
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
PADI Rescue Diver
PADI Divemaster
PADI Enriched Air Diver
PADI Digital Underwater Photographer
PADI ReActivate
Dive Theory
PADI Instructor Development
Contact Capo Galera Diving Center to confirm the availability of courses and complete the practical part with us here in Sardinia.